Energy management platform by Itthirit Technology Company Limited.
Energy Management System is an effective tool to help save money. Your business's electricity costs This platform analyzes and tracks energy use in detail. It allows you to accurately monitor and evaluate energy use. This will result in you being able to manage energy within your organization efficiently It also allows you to control and significantly reduce your electric costs. to make business yours grows sustainably and environmentally friendly
Energy is important in running an efficient business. But proper energy management is not easy. For this reason, the company has developed a platform for energy management (Energy Management System) that will allow you to manage energy use efficiently. This platform will help measure energy use. and various information related thenUse the data to analyze and interpret the results to find the most appropriate energy management approach. This allows you to control and manage your energy use efficiently. Reduce unnecessary expenses and prevent damage from overstretching electrical equipment. It also allows you to manage your energy resources efficiently. You can also Change behaviorUse energy to keep your organization energy sustainable
Organizations will be able to identify and reduce unnecessary energy use. or wasted Including finding opportunities to save energy and increase energy efficiency effectively
Planning and monitoring the maximum energy consumption rate and Modifying energy use at appropriate times will help to use energy efficiently
Raising employee awareness and participation is key to reducing use. sustainable energy Organizations must create understanding and motivation for employees to see. The importance of proper energy use
Internet of Things (IoT) technology allows for proper tracking, control, and modification of energy use, and this smart technology helps you save energy sustainably
Thorough analysis of energy use is the key to Preparing reports and evaluating efficient energy use Leads to clear strategic planning and decision making. bring benefits highest to the organization
Reducing this energy loss not only helps Reduce costs but also help reduce the impact on environment efficiently
Using IoT to maintain and control the system
Energy Management System helps users There is convenience in energy management and helps increase efficiency in energy use. efficiency and sustainability